LTPimo “Between moving and not moving EP”
陶酔するゴルジェ・サウンドスケープ、LTPimoのEP『Between moving and not moving EP』は、ゴルジェの新たなピークがまた1つ開拓されたという事実の報告だ。豪快に暴れるタムと優しく包み込む透明なアンビエンス。相反する要素がゆっくりと溶解して圧倒的な音重力を形作る。そしてすべての音が消えた後に広がる無限の時間・空間をぜひ貴方の耳で確かめてほしい。
- i)Gorgable basement opening gate ii)Without moving
- Moving
- Gorgable basement closing gate
name your price
released 03 December 2014
LTPimo is made up of a collaboration of members from two bands, Like This Parade and Igarashi Makoto Orchestration. As they began to put their creative heads together the prospect of the two bands merging for a collaboration became more likely. The music is an unusual blend of Electronica, Electronics-experience, Avant-garde and psychedelic pop. This is GORGE!
This EP is released under a CC cc-by-sa license.